Amanda Rice

Amnda Rice Death Geological Time.jpeg

Amanda Rice (b. 1985, Ireland) works primarily in sculpture and moving image. Her practice is research based and she is interested in how geological material is exchanged and extended in the world, for example, how rock, mineral, or other lithic materials, generated outside of human time scales as part of geologic processes some hundreds of millions of years ago, come to participate in a variety of human constructed systems and interactions. These interests extend to how geological material can become entangled with processes of manufacturing, human labour, global trade, circulations of capitalism to more subjective notions of value and myth bestowed upon artefacts and other lithic things.

She is a recent graduate of the Slade School of Fine Art MA programme, with distinction. Upon graduating she was awarded the inaugural Edward Allington Memorial Prize, and was shortlisted for the lmacantar Studio Award. She has recently won the Éigse-Hotron Graduate prize presented by Visual Centre for Contemporary Art, Ireland. Amanda Rice has exhibited at Charlton Gallery (London); University College London Art Museum; Still the Barbarians, Eva International Biennial, curated by Koyo Kouoh (Ireland); Carnage Visors, Rua Red (Dublin); Flux Factory (New York) and Eastlink Gallery (Shanghai).

Image: Amanda Rice Death in Geological Time 2018. HD Video (still).