Natalia Beylis
Leitrim, Ireland
Natalia Beylis's work revolves somewhere between sonic story-teller, composer and multi-instrumental musician. In her recordings and performances she layers seemingly incongruous sounds atop of each other to spawn strange juxtapositions and garbled parallels. The Garden Of Paradise her most recent release on cassette with fellow improviser Agathe Max is described in a review by The Quietus as “an exceptional tape of instrumental incantations and explorations”. Her releases with her band Woven Skull have garnered similar praise and, in addition to a busy touring schedule with them and a solo performer she also runs a record label Sofia Records and is a regular contributor to Dublin Digital Radio.
Visuals by Ruth Clinton
An Evening of Mythological Music with Natalia Beylis and From the Bogs of Aughiska
Róisín Dubh - Thursday 14 November - 20.00